
Pan Pantaloni

Welcome to the Islands of Imagination! Warm colours and soft enveloping cotton – this is what we need this spring!

Trousers should look good but above all they must be comfortable. We know what our kids like. Our trousers let them discover the world with joy... they fit perfectly, are soft to touch and easy on the eye!

Dresses, tunics, skirts… something for girls! This season is all about comfort – trousers for girls, of course! But in our newest collection you will also find a nod towards the old times when elegant dresses made even the biggest tomboys charming.

Collection for big girls, that is the beautiful mums of our little customers.

The PanPantaloni kind of mum, is a woman who is not afraid of everyday challenges. She will go roller-skating in a skirt, wear a glitter tunic to a teacher-parents meeting, teach her kids to cycle in the concrete urban jungle wearing combat boots and a sweater. This is a special task-force kind of woman… or simply a mother.